This time we decided to check how rural the former bishop of village of Porąbka is, as well as how much coal or the memory of it has been left in the mining district of Juliusz, and our guide was Grzegorz Onyszko.

Text: Tomasz Grząślewicz, Photos: Rafał Opalski

We hope that our photo coverage of a walking tour “From a Bishop Village of Porąbka to a Coal Mine District of Juliusz” will tell you about it a little. The trip took place on 9 July 2016 within the framework of public services of the City of Sosnowiec in the field of culture for 2016: Popularisation of historical knowledge about Sosnowiec and Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. The history of Porąbka can be traced back perhaps even as far as the 13th century. It was a village owned by Cracow bishops for 400 years. The bishop would get over here from Kraków to settle disputes between the inhabitants.

Photo coverage